Weekly 0.19 status update - trunk feature freeze

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Tue Aug 7 22:05:16 BST 2007

Hi all,

Thanks to all those who contributed or reviewed in the last 24 hours,
the merge queue is looking in very good shape.

I am calling the feature freeze for trunk now, so any new features will
have to wait for 0.20. There are plenty of things on BB that look ready
for merging after today's activity, so please go ahead and merge
anything currently in the "approved" state. Anything else please feel
free to ask for an exception, but doing two things would help you here.
The first is to Cc me to make sure that I spot that you are asking me,
the second is to give an idea of the change and the possible impact if
it is not immediately obvious. I will read the list discussion, so you
don't have to cover that, but you might like to reassure me about
anything complex. If I'm not happy with making the choice then I will defer to
the list for a final call.

We now have one week of feature freeze (I will stick to Tuesday now, I
hope that is OK with everyone). During this time you can work on
features to land for 0.20, particularly anything major that should be
landed next week. I will defer to Martin (at least it looks like Martin
will be RM) for anything related to the next release.

You can also fix bugs or submit documentation changes. Ian has done a
great job on parts of the documentation in this release, but there is
plenty more to do. There are also a number of bugs that are of high
importance for this release.

- 124089     wsgi smart server chrooting does not manage additional
             paths - assigned to Andrew, and I believe he plans a fix
             in this release.
- 124859     incorrect repository detected with symlink to a branch
             - there is discussion in the log of the bug that doesn't
             seem to reach a firm conclusion.
- 129504     bundle in 0.19.0dev0 breaks compatibility with 0.18
- 129724     bzr 0.19 generate bundle that is not understandable by 0.18
    - Martin has said that finding solution to both of these should
      block the release.
- 128076     Asked for password multiple times when running update
             command - This is a regression compared to 0.18. Vila has
             said that it is related to his connection caching code.
             Does anyone have any opinions on how this should be dealt

And obviously any other bug, there is quite a list on launchpad

The only remaining thing is testing. Many will be running the latest
bzr.dev, which is good. However I guess many also treat the system with
a little care, and stick to their ways working. Start treating the
system with a bit of hard love, try something a bit different, see if
you can break it.



  James Westby   --    GPG Key ID: B577FE13    --     http://jameswestby.net/
  seccure key - (3+)k7|M*edCX/.A:n*N!>|&7U.L#9E)Tu)T0>AM - secp256r1/nistp256

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