[RFC] Pyrex implementation for bencode
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Sun Aug 5 16:21:05 BST 2007
Hash: SHA1
I started to dive into Pyrex, and decided to write something simple and useful
for Bazaar project. I chose bencode because it's simple algorithm,
and plus in the past Martin said that we could use bencode for VersionedProperties.
I use benchmarks from BitTorrent-bencode-5.0.8 package. With generic benchmark data
I have about 5x-6x faster decode and more than 2.5x faster encode:
version decode encode
python 30.78ms 18.75ms
pyrex 5.31ms 7.03ms
For VersionedProperties I think I need rework benchmark to use dicts with
several (2-3) keys. Probably for shorter bencode strings decode in python will go
fast enough, so speed difference will be smaller.
But I think even 2-3x is better than nothing.
Of course for tags this difference will be too small, but for 10K-50K files
with VersionedProperties attached to entries in inventory we should have big win.
I attached my Pyrex source and tests for this implementation, and my adapted
benchmarks. Put bencode.py to the dir with this files to run benchmarks.
If you think that my work have sense to include in bzr.dev I will start to adapt
these sources for bzrlib. Also I need some hints about writing proper benchmark
for my implementation in bzrlib style.
- --
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