[MERGE] knit._PackAccess
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Aug 3 00:46:41 BST 2007
This is the final 'core' change needed to allow a pack based repository
to be built on top of the rest of bzrlib without reinventing delta
composition etc etc.
* In ``bzrlib.knit`` the internal interface has been altered to use
3-tuples (index, pos, length) rather than two-tuples (pos, length) to
describe where data in a knit is, allowing knits to be split into
many files. (Robert Collins)
* ``bzrlib.knit._KnitData`` split into cache management and physical
access with two access classes - ``_PackAccess`` and ``_KnitAccess``
defined. The former provides access into a .pack file, and the latter
provides the current production repository form of .knit files.
(Robert Collins)
GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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