0.18: Too verbose commit
Jari Aalto
jari.aalto at cante.net
Thu Aug 2 12:40:01 BST 2007
After upgrading to 0.18, the commit is, ahem, way too verbose. It
would be better if these messages appeared only with -v option.
I'd normally expect clean and simple message:
$ bzr ci -m "- fixed ..."
Committed revision 1.
That way I can still scroll the screen upward to see my previous
messages. With the above, I can't see (and use texts) from previous
shell prompts.
....[hundread simila rmessages]
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added patches-original/sakai/.svn/tmp
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added patches-original/sakai/.svn/text-base/sakai-db-interfa.el.patch.svn-base
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added patches-original/sakai/.svn/text-base/sakai.patch.txt.svn-base
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added patches-original/sakai/.svn/tmp/props
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added patches-original/sakai/.svn/tmp/text-base
Saving data locally - Stage: .
Updating the working tree - Stage: .
Committed revision 1.
Running post commit hooks - Stage: .
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