[RFC] I18N specification draft

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at canonical.com
Wed Aug 1 12:40:33 BST 2007

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I'm handling some email lost in my INBOX, so I'm a bit late on this

Martin Pool escribió:
>> Please take a look on my draft:
>> http://bazaar-vcs.org/DraftSpecs/I18nSupport
> That looks great.
> I don't know much about the translation side of it but I have some
> thoughts on the code changes.  I've cc'd Carlos, one of the authors of
> Rosetta, and maybe he can check your approach too from that aspect.

I don't have too much experience doing that for Python applications, but
 from what I saw in the spec there aren't too many python specific
details, so I think I could give some input.

>> help for commands
> .. and for other help topics too.
>> One BIG issue for bzrlib -- it's usage docstring as help for commands.
> I have no objection to changing this.  We have already changed most if
> not all exception classes.
>> Internationalization of bzrlib should be transparent for others clients.
> Meaning that bzrlib will use whatever locale is globally set without
> any special action by the client program?

Alexander already answered this one, but also, you will need to use two
different translation domains, one for bzrlib and another one for bzr
itself. That allows that other applications using bzrlib directly will
get the for free all translations from bzrlib and thus, they only need
to care about their own strings.

You can read more about how's that done in C programs from:


I'm sure python has the same calls.


I'm going to answer Alexander's email directly for the other points...


- --
Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu => http://www.ubuntu.com
mailto:carlos.perello at canonical.com
Alicante - Spain
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