fix for a keyerror in finding least common ancestors
Michael Hudson
michael.hudson at
Tue Jul 31 11:17:50 BST 2007
Robert Collins wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-07-30 at 09:16 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>>> I think the most obvious fix (attached) is actually the right fix (it's
>>> not at all obvious to me that the candidate being deleted here hasn't
>>> already been deleted by line 249).
>> I don't agree. There's only one place that deletes an active searcher:
>> line 249. 'candidate' is a key in the active_searchers dictionary, so
>> there can't be two entries for
>> 'pqm at'.
>> It's obvious to me that if we are walking through active_searchers, and
>> we hit a StopIteration, then candidate must be present in
>> active_searchers. The fact that this can fail suggests a deeper logic
>> bug, and I don't want to apply a band-aid. I want to understand and
>> solve the problem.
> Agreed.
>>> In a half an hour of trying, I
>>> haven't been able to make a test case
>> That's a shame, and considering it's Launchpad, I can't just download it
>> myself to reproduce.
> Michael, can you do the following:
> from bzrlib import branch, repository
> b1 ='.')
> b2 =
> graph1 =
> b1.repository.get_revision_graph_with_ghosts(b1.last_revision())
> graph2 =
> b2.repository.get_revision_graph_with_ghosts(b2.last_revision())
> Now, because there are arch ids in the deep history, its possible that
> there is sensitive info (such as old branch names), so check with your
> manager before sending the output anywhere. But - graph1 and graph2
> should be enough to hook up to the LCA logic as a test case, with a
> different parent-getter routine.
This 3-line but 600-odd kilobyte file:
- on line 1, a sanitized-revid repr() of the _graph_ancestors of the
graph with ghosts of the repository that I can reproduce the problem with
- on lines 2 and 2 the revids that should be used as arguments to
I tried to make a test case like this:
def test_graph_lca_huge(self):
import os
f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'g.txt'))
graph_repr = f.readline()
revid1 = f.readline()
revid2 = f.readline()
graph = self.make_graph(eval(graph_repr))
graph.find_unique_lca(revid1, revid2)
but this has been running for ~3 hours now, so another approach is
probably required :-)
Hope this is useful.
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