[RFC] fileid involved tests want spaces in ids

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon Jul 30 15:36:23 BST 2007

On 7/29/07, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> I think these tests were just being aggressive about possible keys. I'm
> not aware of any key generation algorithm that actually created ids with
> spaces though. So I'd like to shrink their enthusiasm a little as I
> don't think we actually want to support file ids with spaces.

I don't think we generate spaces with ids either.

I just saw more posts on the bug about supporting '\n' in filenames.  It
is a little different in that we have no choice about filenames (when
importing), but we can reasonably refuse some ids.

However, I do think whenever possible we should accept all data of the
relevant type, even if we restrict it by convention.  If we later discover
that we do need to support them then it is more trouble to change the
format later on.  I'd want to see some really compelling performance or
simplicity reason to restrict it.

In other words I don't think you should remove that test.


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