[RFC][Bug #111914]selftest options to fail if there are missing dependencies, known-failures, etc

Daniel Watkins D.M.Watkins at warwick.ac.uk
Sun Jul 29 15:38:23 BST 2007

Hi guys,
Attached is a preliminary fix for bug #111914.  It adds a strict option
to 'bzr selftest' which causes the command to report 'tests failed' with
the corresponding return code if there are any missing features or known

The bug report isn't specific as to what behaviour is wanted so before
setting up tests and checking the details of my code I wanted to get
feedback on whether or not this is what people envisioned from the bug

Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)
University of Warwick Christian Focus President
University of Warwick Computing Society WUGLUG Liaison Officer
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