bzr-svn on mac

John Whitley whitley at
Fri Jul 27 06:30:22 BST 2007

Erik Bågfors wrote:
> Does anyone have instructions on getting bzr-svn working on mac? I've
> tried using some macports to get all prereqs, but failed.

I've got this working swimmingly on OS X, 10.4.x, Intel.  Python is a  
MacPorts installation, version 2.5.1.

I had to do a /usr/local install of a hand-built SWIG 1.3.27, build  
the subversion python bindings using that, from subversion 1.4.3  
release code with the subversion-1.4.0-metze-python-bindings.patch  
(per the instructions from 
Subversion). Neither SWIG nor the subversion builds appear to have  
required any special configure parameters or the like.

I only installed the subversion python bindings from that setup, not  
the entire subversion 1.4.3 installation.  The rest of svn is also a  
MacPorts installation.

-- John

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