Doc review & quick ref card - anyone with some DTP skills?

John Yates jyates at
Fri Jul 27 14:36:42 BST 2007

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> > John Yates wrote:
> >
> > Which is why this is not a "Quick Reference".  It would be much
> > more correctly termed a "Quick Start Guide".
> IMO, it's *a* Quick Reference, just not *the* Quick Reference. Maybe we
> should rename it "Bazaar Essentials Quick Reference" or something like
> that?

On the wiki this document is now advertised as a "one page summary of
Bazaar".  It is nothing of the sort.

In 35 years in engineering I have never encountered a document titled
a Reference that did not attempt to be complete and authoritative.  The
current document probably has a role but it is tutorial, not reference.

Here is an svn example of a "one-pager" (assuming you have a duplexing
printer) that can legitimately purport to be a reference document:

Our document is an introduction, a summary, a "for dummies", ... nearly
anything but a reference.


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