Doc review & quick ref card - anyone with some DTP skills?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Jul 23 20:01:14 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Sabin Iacob wrote:
> Eugene Wee wrote:
>> I think bzr add is important enough to be under "creating". ignore, mv
>> and check are also listed as basic commands but were not listed.
> we are ralking here about commands that help people do (common) stuff;
> after getting used to bzr they can always type bzr help commands to
> figure out the exotic cases.
> I rarely used ignore (the default list of ignores is usually enough),
> even more rarely used mv, never used check; bzr add comes up in one of
> the init use cases, but you are right, it probably should be listed on
> its own

ignore is probably not used very often, but I think it still deserves a
quickref. It is a fairly easy command to understand, and quickref is actually
more for the stuff you do infrequently, so that you can remember.

You might rarely use mv, but honestly it is one of the things that sets us far
apart from CVS/SVN, it that it works *really* well. (Most notably that even if
I move things around, I can still accept patches from you with the old layout).
So it is certainly something I would like to see clearly referenced. People
coming from other systems may not use it, because it has been ingrained into
them that you shouldn't. (CVS is really broken here, SVN is slightly better,
but still wouldn't handle 'merging').

>>> creating:
>>> bzr init
> bzr add
>>> bzr branch (worth mentioning aliases?)
>>> bzr checkout
>>> information:
>>> bzr status
>>> bzr diff
>>> bzr log
>>> bzr inventory
>>> bzr missing

I would skip 'bzr inventory' as it is more of a command we are deprecating in
favor of 'bzr ls'.

'bzr ls' generally has better flags, and eventually we would like to add more
options to it (bzr ls --added). It has also been defined more with scripting in
mind (bzr ls --null | xargs -0)

>>> commit:
>>> bzr commit
>>> bzr uncommit
>>> bzr revert
>>> bzr update
>>> merging:
>>> bzr pull
>>> bzr merge

I'm not sure if 'update' fits closer on 'commit' or 'merging'

>>> publishing:
>>> bzr push
>>> bzr bundle
>>> bzr export? 

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