"submit" command naming - just "bundle" preferred?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Jul 20 08:26:29 BST 2007

>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

    john> Aaron Bentley wrote:
    >> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
    >>> Aaron Bentley wrote:
    >>>> But does the world really need another mail client?  Especially when
    >>>> mutt behaves like that already?
    >>> mutt does, but Mail.app, Thunderbird, Outlook, Evolution.... there are lots of
    >>> mail programs out there that people prefer to mutt. (I don't know whether pine
    >>> does/doesn't, but it seems like it could). And consider using 'gmail' :)
    >> Right.  And I figure people who don't prefer mutt won't like it if
    >> Bazaar gives them a mutt-like interface instead of using their mail client.

    john> Except they probably like $EDITOR or they wouldn't be using it.

    john> And trying to figure out how to control all possible MUA is a bit difficult. So
    john> as a stepping stone between *nothing* and properly popping up their preferred
    john> MUA with all attachments ready to go, I think $EDITOR is a decent stepping
    john> stone. It is better than what we have (as in I might actually use it).

And don't forget that some people use their $EDITOR as their mail client :)


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