"submit" command naming - just "bundle" preferred?

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Thu Jul 19 20:11:07 BST 2007

>> Now, for spawning the user's prefered MUA to send the message, I
>> propose to use xdg-email program [1] from the FreeDesktop.org
>> project. 
> It doesn't seem to be installed on my Etch.  Is it very popular?

apt-get install xdg-utils

it's a nice way to be able to do some common operations
in a distribution (and desktop) neutral way - in fact for
exactly the kind of issue mentioned here.  I really hope 
it does become widely accepted. It's already available
for most major distros in their current versions. xdg-utils
will be going in to the Linux Standard Base in future.

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