[MERGE] Unit tests for win32 glob expansion

Kuno Meyer kuno.meyer at gmx.ch
Mon Jul 16 18:50:37 BST 2007

On 16.07.2007 15:08, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Looks good. Just one question.
> Looking at test data:
> [['*/'], ['c\\', 'd\\']],
> I wonder, should we do normalization from '\\' to '/' as in osutils.py codebase?
> [µ]

I'm not familiar enough with the Bazaar code base to judge whether this 
normalization would have a benefit, or would just be redundant, or even 
counterproductive. I had the impression that internally bazaar converts 
everything to '/'.

However, please take into account that win32utils.glob_expand() just 
gets invoked for the "add" command, and all other commands have to cope 
with direct user input. I'm wondering why the implementation is this 
way, as there are a lot of shortcomings: The command "bzr rm *.txt" for 
example returns with the error message "*.txt does not exist", even 
after "bzr add some.txt".

My intention was to move the the win32 glob expansion down to the 
beginning of run_bzr as soon as this patch was accepted. Then we would 
have a quite similar behaviour as under Linux for /all/ commands. If it 
makes sense to perform path normalisation there as well (either to '/' 
or to '\\'), then we should implement it. The only issue I see with that 
solution is, that the behaviour of "bzr ignore *.pyc" potentially would 
not be understood by Windows users.

Let me know what you think, and whether I should continue without 
waiting for the current patch to be applied.


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