binaries of bzr

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Jul 12 07:47:16 BST 2007

On 7/12/07, Robert Collins <robertc at> wrote:
> At the moment we host several different binaries of various bzr
> versions. I'm about to refresh the build process for this, because the
> new .so extensions mean that our prior builds won't be sufficient - we
> need the architecture specific stuff built too.
> So I'd like to make sure I have a clear picture of what folk want/need
> so that I can do it all in one hit.
> Heres what I'd like:
>  - One repo with daily binaries of trunk for
> dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy/unstable/sid for i386/amd64

Do you mean really just one repository for all of them (with some
magic to select the right package?), or one repository for each
distribution version as we have now?

>    - during rc these stop being updated and become rc builds only
>  - Another repo with just the latest stable release for the same
> platforms
>  - A volunteer to do the same for redhat/suse
> I'd like to expand what we package as well - make sure a wide selection
> of plugins are packaged (e.g. bzr-email, bzr-dbus, bzr-avahi, bzrtools,
> bzr-gtk, bzr-eclipse ...)

It might be useful as part of that to have some way to give notice if
the plugins no longer work with the current bzr release or daily.

> The bulk of this is just a for loop and clearly not hard :). I have a
> amd64 machine at home I plan to build these on for now, it should be
> able to build the i386 versions too.
> On the packaging front, we need to consider whether we should package
> the .so modules separately - that is have
> bzr : the bzr application and bzrlib
> bzrlib-modules : binary modules to accelerate bzr
> or just munge them into one package.
> What else would be nice? Any cool ideas?

Well, the other thing would be to rename bazaar to baz and then bzr to bazaar.


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