[MERGE] left align log output if it only contains merge revisions

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Jul 6 20:06:10 BST 2007

John Arbash Meinel has voted +1 (conditional).
Status is now: Semi-approved
I actually misunderstood what Kent was doing originally. But why are you 
+        depths = list(set([d for r,n,d in view_revisions]))
+        depths.sort()
+        min_depth = depths[0]

rather than:
min_depth = min(d for r,n,d in view_revisions)

I don't see any reason to go through a set and a sort just to extract 
the minimum of a list. (I assume you used a set because you didn't want 
to sort the full list, but the built in 'min()' function is quite a bit 

I would also prefer:

if min_depth != 0:

if min_depth:

I realize they are the same thing, but for me the former is a lot more 
obvious of what you are trying to check. (There isn't any reason that 
min_depth would be None or False).

As for flushing left or not... I'm starting to lean more into the 'it is 
wasting space on the left', rather than specific significance for 
mainline revs. The dotted revnos would probably make it clear, and this 
only actually takes effect when you are obviously displaying a merged 

I really wonder how this code handles:
   bzr log -r 123.4.5..123.7.8

But that is really your other changes, not this one.

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