group write permission when using bzr+ssh

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Jul 6 04:31:28 BST 2007

On 7/6/07, S. L. <slware at> wrote:
> Hello,
> is there some way to get group write permissions for remote repositories without
> changing the user's umask?
> example:
> my remote repos directory:
>     drwxrws---    3 root src    4096 Jul  5 19:10 repos
> i try to create new repository from my local machine with:
>     bzr init-repo bzr+ssh://
> Now the files and directories will be group-owned by src, but they are write
> restricted, and i can't write to repos with other accounts.


If you set the permissions on the indivdual repository directory
(/repos/test) to be 2770, then that should be inherited by branches
within it when they are updated and changed later.  If this doesn't
work, please let us know.


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