bzr problem

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Fri Jul 6 02:13:22 BST 2007

Please keep CCing the list; other people may be able to help you more promptly
than me, and it is good to have problems and their solutions recorded in the
archives for people using search engines.

Fruehauf Gerd wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> Sorry for prior mail.
> This is now the output of the command:
> gfh at test01 > python -V
> Python 2.5.1
> gfh at test01 > python -c "import zlib"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
> ImportError: python: fatal: relocation error: file
> /fsup04/fuxp/prg/tools/sun4os5/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/ symbol
> inflateCopy: referenced symbol not found

Ok, so it's not a bzr problem.  The problem is your Python isn't built/installed
correctly.  The zlib module is a part of the Python standard library, but it's
broken on your system.

Talk to your sysadmins.


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