[MERGE] Non-verbose `bzr info` shows related branches

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Wed Jul 4 17:37:05 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Adeodato Simó wrote:
> * Aaron Bentley [Wed, 04 Jul 2007 09:31:24 -0400]:
>> Adeodato Simó wrote:
>>> Brown paper bag bug: I was running the tests in another directory. I'll
>>> submit another bundle shortly.
>> Could you do some unit testing rather than just blackbox testing, too?
> Hm, I thought about that, but looking at tests/test_info.py, I had no
> idea about how to do it: of all the functions in info.py, only three are
> exercised in test_info.py. None of the _underscore ones are;

It's not required, but it's not forbidden.

> I guess I
> could exercise _show_related_info(), but that's not really relevant for
> this change. The two public ones left, show_bzrdir_info() and
> show_component_info(), seem exercised enough in blackbox/test_info.py...

Yeah, but that is really the wrong place to be exercising them.
Blackbox testing should be about making sure that all the options and
arguments work, not about testing that every conceivable output is
correct.  I have been trying to fix that gradually.

I suggest turning your pair of blackbox tests into unit tests of
show_component_info.  And keep the second one (that produces the related
branch info) as a blackbox test also.

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