[MERGE] left align log output if it only contains merge revisions

Kent Gibson warthog618 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 10:37:41 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Andrew Bennetts wrote:
>>> But my point about 99% is that the 99% of cases build the
>>> expectation that the flush-aligned revisions are mainline
>>> revisions.
>> You could equally well argue that 99% of cases build the
>> expectation that the output of bzr log always starts unindented.
>> I think the concept that log of only non-mainline revisions is
>> indented to remind you that they aren't mainline is pretty subtle
>> and is unlikely to be understood by many, or even most, users.
> Well, I left this alone this morning because it sounded dead and
> buried given abentley, jam and fullermd all agreed. I agree with
> Kent and Andrew FWIW. The indent doesn't mean anything special to
> me - it's just wasted whitespace that I'd rather not have there in
> the 1% of time it appears.
> I also agree it's not a big deal though. My leaning was towards
> accepting the patch because Kent obviously felt strongly enough
> about it to do something about it. I like to encourage that and
> this isn't breaking anything IMO.
FWIW, my initial reaction when I saw the floating logs while testing
the 4663 fix was "bugger, the indentation is broken", so obviously my
expectation was flush alignment, not special treatment for mainline

But it certainly isn't worth making a fuss over a little whitespace
(well unless PEP8 says something about it or it's at the end of a file

>>> Thanks.  I'm sorry if this has been frustrating for you.
> There are two aspects here. Firstly, Kent took the time to make a
> change and no-one bar Aaron provided feedback until weeks later.
> :-( I agree with Kent that I'm at fault there because I didn't
> chase anyone. (My lame excuse is that I was kind of waiting for an
> RFC on who would be RM for 0.18 rather than assume it was me.)
Firstly, I don't blame you, the underlying problem is that the role of
the RM hasn't been sufficiently well defined.  That isn't your fault.
As I've eluded to before, my opinion is that the RM should be the
benevolent dictator for a month.

And I am very glad to see that you have stepped up to the role.
e.g. The review queue has shrunk dramatically in the last couple of days.
Could you do the same with the bug list ;-).

> Secondly, email has a tendency to come across as "confrontational"
> during disagreements. If the same debate was held in a room, the
> people in question would probably sort it out in a few minutes with
> next to no angst or frustration. That's a motherhood statement and
> doesn't help, though it good to remind ourselves of that now and
> then.
Secondly, I agree.  I continued the discussion with Aaron off list for
this very reason.
After a bit more toing and froing, I think we both understand where
the other is coming from.
A short summary:
My view was, and pretty much still is, that revisions are equal, and
that as Andrew pointed out above, my expectation was that revision
logs are flush aligned, not that mainline revision logs are flush
aligned.  So I wasn't fixing a special case, I was fixing what I saw
as the log formatting not correctly handling the general case.

Aaron's view is that mainline revisions have a special place in
bazaar, and deserve the left margin to themselves.  That's fine too -
just not something that had occurred to me, and a perspective I found
more surprising than the indentation.

>> Yeah.  Kent, thanks for tackling #4663, I'm looking forward to
>> having that fixed, regardless of the indenting :)
> And poolie assures me this is in review and he's equally keen to
> see it land.
And so it has.


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