[RFC] Platform champions

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Wed Jul 4 09:21:44 BST 2007

As part of our release process, I'd ideally like to have a list of
people to ping w.r.t. testing the Release Candidates on various
platforms and distros. I'm thinking of creating a page on the wiki
called something like http://bazaar-vcs.org/Platforms or
http://bazaar-vcs.org/PlatformChampions that lets people self nominate
themselves as champions for the various platforms/distros.

Is this a good idea? If so, is it worth generalising the page so people
can volunteer for various things w.r.t. a platform? Perhaps just these
things to begin with?

1. RC testing
2. packaging
3. user assistance

E.g., Matt might wish to volunteer to be an RC tester on FreeBSD, Anna
might test and package on Solaris while Mary might feel comfortable
helping Mac users. (My immediate need is RC testing but other roles are
equally important in the broader scheme of things.)

I'm very open to other ways of achieving the same thing. If there's
consensus on this idea, it will only work if people volunteer, of
course. :-) If you'd like to do that, just reply to this email.

Here's a starting list of platforms/distros I'd like to see covered at a

* Ubuntu
* Debian
* Fedora/RHEL
* Mandriva
* Windows - native
* Windows - Cygwin
* OS X
* FreeBSD
* Solaris

If your platform isn't included, feel free to add it. Multiple
volunteers for a platform is good so don't feel you can't step forward
because someone else has.

Ian C.

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