Bazaar 0.18 Weekly Update - Feature Freeze begins

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Jul 4 06:59:04 BST 2007

On 7/4/07, Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> All,
> Current trunk status: frozen for pre-release.
> Release candidate date: 10-Jul-2007.

And thanks to you too, your new release-mananging technique is unstoppable.

> 2. Martin's lock changes.

It's not in BB for some reason but if someone would like to read it
that would be much appreciated.

> 3. Test suite stuff. Vincent has some patches in the queue I want
>    to see make it. One relates to strace. Another cleans up some
>    blackbox tests. Some UserWarnings need to go (hi spiv!).

I'm interested in the  strace and blackbox cleanups; I wasn't sure if
they were still ok but as they are I'll look now.


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