[MERGE] [BUG #4663] Fix ``bzr log -r`` to support selecting merge revisions.

Andrew Bennetts andrew at canonical.com
Wed Jul 4 04:11:12 BST 2007

Andrew Bennetts has voted +1.
Status is now: Approved
> +        if isinstance(start_revision,RevisionInfo):

PEP 8 says there ought to be a space after the comma.

It's a shame that so much of log is tested via cumbersome blackbox 
tests, but that's not your fault.

It would be good to add a comment about the filter stack (especially the 
ordering), just to make the way the code works a bit clearer.

I'm very much looking forward to this bug being fixed, and this does 
look an improvement all around, so +1 from me.

You have minor conflicts with current bzr.dev; I'll resolve them and 
send the merge request.

For details, see: 

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