[RFC] Getting nested tree repositories into use

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Tue Jul 3 15:55:42 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> Aaron suggested a tree-level policy switch to prevent accidental use
> until we are ready for it but this seems to have some problems to me - 

Actually, I suggested that it either be a tree or branch policy.

> If Alice enables nested trees and does a commit with a nested tree, then
> when I branch from Alice I will have to end up with nested trees
> enabled, regardless of the config option at my end.

If it's a branch policy, then it's easy to see how branching from Alice
could produce a branch with that config option enabled.

> Given that pull and push need to propogate nested trees too, and they
> don't,


> I'd argue that really only the repository supports nested trees,
> and its really a system-wide flag we want, not a tree level policy.

I disagree.  People may want to store projects with different policies
in the same repository.  For example, I keep bzrtools in the same repo
as bzr, but it's likely that bzrtools will adopt nested trees before bzr

> Thoughts?

This problem exists because adding tree-references is automatic, rather
than an explicit choice.  I think making that explicit would be a
simpler fix.

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