[MERGE] file-object based container format

Johan Rydberg jrydberg at gnu.org
Mon Jul 2 17:13:59 BST 2007

Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:

> Hi all,

Hi Aaron,

> +    def iter_records(self):
> +        """Iterate over the container, yielding each record as it is read.
> +
> +        Each yielded record will be a 2-tuple of (names, callable), where names
> +        is a ``list`` and bytes is a function that takes one argument,
> +        ``max_length``.
> +
> +        You **must not** call the callable after advancing the interator to the
> +        next record.  That is, this code is invalid::
> +
> +            record_iter = container.iter_records()
> +            names1, callable1 = record_iter.next()
> +            names2, callable2 = record_iter.next()
> +            bytes1 = callable1(None)
> +        
> +        As it will give incorrect results and invalidate the state of the
> +        ContainerReader.
> +
> +        :raises ContainerError: if any sort of containter corruption is
> +            detected, e.g. UnknownContainerFormatError is the format of the
> +            container is unrecognised.
> +        :seealso: ContainerReader.read
> +        """
> +        self._read_format()
> +        return self._iter_records()

I must say I would prefer (for esthetic reasons) if iter_records
returned an (file-like?) object that has a read-method, instead of a
callable.  Much like John suggested.

Just my two not so relevant two cents.

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