[MERGE] Explain --message and --mail-to in the help of merge-directive

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Thu Jun 28 21:42:31 BST 2007

On (28/06/07 16:18), Aaron Bentley wrote:
> James Westby wrote:
> > +
> > +    If the --message option is used then the specified message will be used
> > +    as the commit message when the merge is performed.
> > +
> > +    --mail-to can be used to send the merge directive directly to the
> > +    recipient. If a message is supplied with --message then it will be used
> > +    as the subject of the mail.
> This seems to basically repeat the option help.  And since no one should
> be using these options, I hesitate to give them prominence.

If no-one should be using them then that is fine. However I am not sure
why you say that. I use these options for the bundles I just sent in.
Could you explain the intended use of this command please?



  James Westby   --    GPG Key ID: B577FE13    --     http://jameswestby.net/
  seccure key - (3+)k7|M*edCX/.A:n*N!>|&7U.L#9E)Tu)T0>AM - secp256r1/nistp256

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