[MERGE] cleanup blackbox tests

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jun 26 16:25:00 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Martin Pool wrote:
> This patch removes some cruft from the blackbox tests.  There were
> many different ways to invoke bzr's command line interface.  This
> condenses them down to one interface and one implementation.
> As I said in my other mail, for some tests just passing a string to be
> autosplit is really the clearest way for many tests.
> Other things:
> * new test code should just simply call run_bzr, which returns the
> stdout, stderr as strings
> * removed very old TestCase.merge()
> * remove very old and unused BzrTestBase alias for TestCase
> * deprecate some old interfaces: runbzr, run_bzr_captured, capture
> * remove shlex split variant of run_bzr_captured in TestRemove - this
> is now available globally
> * i thought about removing the syntax run_bzr('one', 'two') as
> varargs - that type of call tends to cause trouble - but i've left it
> for now

I don't really like having both a shlex and a varargs. I don't think there is
any chance for confusion, because we won't ever support having bzr commands
that take a space in their name. But as a human, it seems a bit ambiguous.

So if you specifically prefer to have shlex available, then it seems reasonable
to require either "self.run_bzr(['x', 'y', 'z'])" or "self.run_bzr('x y z')".

It would be nice to get to the point that we could deprecate run_bzr('x', 'y',


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