Getting changes between revisions from bzrlib (diff and log modules??)

Luís Soares los at
Sat Jun 23 17:11:50 BST 2007

Hello all,

  I know very little about bzrlib interfaces, but I need to use it to  
get some things done.

I need help in this specific task: given a workingtree and a revno,  
fetch information about the next revisions in the revision history.  
For each revision I need the following information:
     * revno
     * committer
     * message
     * list of files modified, added, removed and renamed

BTW, I already started looking into the log and diff modules... but I  
need some sort of guidance now.

Thanks in advance.

Luís Soares
* los at * *
* gpg: C55B F036 E664 AFD3 40C8 7322 1978 6C65 E678 C223 *

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