[RFC] readonly branch and repository tests

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Jun 22 05:59:18 BST 2007

On 6/22/07, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> > In some ways it would be nice to have a different base class for these
> > tests, so that they can be stored in the same file as the other tests
> > for that logical area, but also clearly distinct.
> Thats another way of separating them, but it has the same failure mode -
> put the method on the wrong subclass and it won't run on readonly
> repositories.

Well, you could hide make_repository and instead give people just apis
that are very clearly either for preparing the repository and for
examining it.  I'm thinking about what we should do compared to
get_readonly_transport, which basically does a good job but some tests
seem to not quite use the right one.


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