[Bug 121313] Re: bzr info shows me times in unuseful timezones

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Jun 21 11:20:16 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 08:48 +0000, Steve Alexander wrote:
> Martin said "we normally show times in the time they originated".  Why?
> I'd think a more useful policy would be "we normally show times in the
> timezone of the user requesting the information".  This is better for
> two reasons.
> 1. The information is more familiar to the user requesting the information
> 2. It avoids the problem of two pieces of comparable information (like the time of two consecutive commits) being presented in different timezones, and thus harder to understand.
> The only downside of this is when the user requesting the information
> wants to know what time of day it was locally to the committer.  Why
> would I care whether a New Zealander is making a commit in the morning
> or at night?
> So, I propose that the UI guideline for bazaar be "We normally show
> times in the timezone of the user requesting the information."

This makes sense to me; evolution does the same thing.

Anyone object to this conceptual change - if not we should document the
policy in HACKING, and do a quick check for places to fix and file bugs
related to that.

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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