feature requests for loggerhead

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Mon Jun 18 15:59:32 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Michael Hudson wrote:

> Fixing
> performance and reliability issues are the main things I know about, but
> I'd like to here from people who use or would like to use
> loggerhead/codebrowse and wish it did things differently.

It would be nice if it showed the exact changes, rather than
highlighting the entire line.  This can be done by comparing
non-matching blocks.  It would also be nice if all code views had
annotation information, since it is so cheap to retrieve.

It would be nice to provide "bzr viz"-style output.  I understand the
mercurial guys ported bzr viz to their web interface.

In fact, the loggerhead output doesn't provide an easy way to see what
revisions were merged, and I think it would be great if it did.

It would be cute to include hackergochi in the log output, including all
relevant committers in merge revisions.  PQM could be a robot, e.g.
Robby the robot.

Scanning the text of changes for TODOS, FIXMEs and NEWS entries could
also provide interesting results.

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