Windows-related ideas for bzr

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Wed Jun 6 07:18:13 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Andrew Voznytsa пишет:
>> Andrew Voznytsa пишет:
>>> Besides that I'd note that it would be useful (at least for me) if
>> Bazaar
>>> (Windows version) will:
>>> 1) search for shared plugins in \Documents and Settings\All
>>> Users\Application Data\bazaar\2.0\plugins\
>> Initially I think about placing system-wide plugins to
>> C:\Program Files\Bazaar\Plugins
>> But your idea is better. There is need to check how it will work
>> in the case non-admin installation, but generally it's OK for me.
> Both ideas are good. It is up to software developer to decide.

Actually, *your* idea is really better. Because in your case it is enough
to install plugins as python sources. But in the case of
C:\Program Files\Bazaar\Plugins
plugins should be compiled to pyc (python byte-code) at the phase of building
installer to avoid such compilation in the real work (because of issue with later

>>> 2) have MSI-based installer, helps to automate software installation
>> We already have installer for standalone and python-based version of bzr.
>> It's not *.msi, but setup-*.exe instead. You have some strong reason
>> to avoid exe-installers?
> If software is packaged as MSI there are a few nice options for software
> deployment. Please follow link below
> and read article. It will explain using group policy for
> application deployment and this feature is main reason why MSI is better
> than setup-*.exe.
>> Or, you talking about installing plugins as well as bzr.exe?
> I guess installing plugins together with bzr.exe would be much simpler
> because in this case you can be sure that has all required
> modules.

This approach has some cons and pros. For me the pros is bigger.

>>> 3) integrate existing plugins into installer as option, even if they are
>>> unstable (on Windows). This will help make them better. I'm interested
>> (at
>>> least) in bzrtools and bzr-svn.
>> (All our life is unstable.)
>> I think your proposal is doable. And actually it's not very hard to do.
>> (But I'm not sure when and who will implement this.)
> It is easy to install bzrtools. I tried bzr-svn but failed with Python
> dependencies for svn (I'm new with Python, prefer C/C++ or even asm).

The main problem on Windows is not Python itself, but the fact that you
need special C-compiler to build python extensions (as in case with
python-subversion binding).

> Everything above is just ideas how to make bzr better. If someone would
> implement some of those features then I may help with testing.
> At some point I'm planning to play with MSI. As learning course I may
> implement MSI installer for bazaar. It shouldn't be too hard.
> looks like good candidate for MSI building.

Will be nice.

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