Bug in SmartMedium._get_line()

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Jun 6 02:29:38 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 13:04 +0200, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hey, I thought I found a bug in SmartMedium._get_line()
> Specifically, it is doing:
> 	line = ''
>          while not line or line[-1] != '\n':
>              new_char = self._get_bytes(1)
>              line += new_char
>              if new_char == '':
>                  # Ran out of bytes before receiving a complete line.
>                  break
>          return line
> However, the SmartServerSocketStreamMedium._get_bytes is defined as:
>      def _get_bytes(self, desired_count):
>          # We ignore the desired_count because on sockets it's more 
> efficient to
>          # read 4k at a time.
>          return self.socket.recv(4096)
> So I may be mis-reading what is calling what, but it sure looks like 
> "_get_lines" is explicitly assuming no more than 1 character will be 
> returned. And at a minimum it is only working when the socket returns 
> exactly a single line.

No, You're misreading - + appends the entire returned bytestring. Its
saying that it needs 1 or more characters - dont bother returning with
less than 1 unless its EOF.

We can make this more clear, obviously.

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