[MERGE] don't invoke os.rename on children with no contents

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Wed Jun 6 02:10:56 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> +1 conditional
> On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 18:34 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> I think this test method could have a clearer name - perhaps
> test_cancel_with_deleted_child_should_succeed


>> +        try:
>> +            transform.cancel_creation(parent)
>> +        except OSError:
>> +            self.fail('Transform tried to move a deleted child')
> I am guessing the try:except: here is to provide a clear error when the
> test fails, but perhaps just
>     transform.cancel_creation(child)
>     transform.cancel_creation(parent)
> is clear enough?

Well, it seems to me that tests should not error.  They should pass or
fail.  It should be clear which operation you're testing.  Without the
try/except, I don't think it's clear.

However, in the interest of getting the fix in, I'll do as you ask, and
leave the discussion for later.

> It could after all raise many different errors if
> various bugs are added, and catching all OSError and interpreting them
> as this specific defect seems error prone in the case of other future
> changes.

In production code, I can see that.  But it's not like this will cause a
silent pass for the test.  The worst that happens is you get the wrong

>>          for trans_id in trans_ids:
>>              old_path = self._limbo_files[trans_id]
>>              new_path = self._limbo_name(trans_id, from_scratch=True)
>> -            os.rename(old_path, new_path)
>> +            if trans_id in self._new_contents:
>> +                os.rename(old_path, new_path)
> Wouldn't:
>     for trans_id in trans_ids:
>         if trans_id not in self._new_contents:
>             continue
>         old_path = self._limbo_files[trans_id]
>         new_path = self._limbo_name(trans_id, from_scratch=True)
>         os.rename(old_path, new_path)
> be better? Less calculations for the its-missing-case, and the same
> number of checks for the its-present-case.

That would leave the old limbo name in self._limbo_files, and as soon as
you tried to provide contents for trans_id, TreeTransform would blow up
real good.

Now what you could do is this:

     for trans_id in trans_ids:
         if trans_id not in self._new_contents:
             del self._limbo_files[trans_id]
         old_path = self._limbo_files[trans_id]
         new_path = self._limbo_name(trans_id, from_scratch=True)
         os.rename(old_path, new_path)

Deleting the self._limbo_files entry forces it to be generated from
scratch on the next usage, rather than generating it from scratch now.

I will do that, too, which I assume cures the conditional.

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