
Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Jun 6 01:42:08 BST 2007

On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 17:20 +0200, HyperQuantum wrote:
> Is Bazaar already stable enough for day-to-day use, or should I wait
> until the release of 1.0? I am currently using Subversion and merging
> branches with it is a pain.

Its definately stable enough for day to day use. At Canonical we manages
several large projects, one of which is in the 20K LOC size. We have
some large changes planned, but they will be bedded down and tested
thoroughly before end users encounter them, so I would ignore that :).

> I have already used Bazaar for a small project, and I had some trouble
> with line endings. Can I expect automatic endline conversion to be
> available any time soon?

Its something we'd like to do. There seem to be a number of different
routes to doing it, and what I percieve as the most popular is the SVN
route; to do it that way we need to get some of the aforementioned
changes in place, because we dont have a facility in the core to set
attributes per-file. So I'd say 4-5 months probably. OTOH someone may go
out and do a plugin that layers it on the core next week - who knows:).

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