[MERGE][0.17] ReST section dividers

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Tue Jun 5 08:33:20 BST 2007

On 6/5/07, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
> > I'm easy on everything in this thread except the extensions... I
> > prefer .txt because:
> >  - it opens in an editor correctly on all platorms
> Guys, I said this many times before, and can repeat this one time again.
> This claim is so far away from truth, as Windows from Linux.
> Try to open your txt files by double-click it on Windows. And you'll
> see the real mess in notepad. Because MS Windows' Notepad.exe
> *don't* *understand* LF-only line-endings as line-endings.
> If you *really* want to have cross-platform txt file
> you need to use CRLF.
> Extension of the file is the least important thing IMO.
> Please please please, never assume that .txt files
> "opens in an editor correctly on all platorms",
> because *an* editor may be know nothing about your
> wonderful linux text files.

That's a very interesting point.  It seems we either have the choice
to really make them something that can be viewed as text everywhere,
or not treat them that way at all.

In general probably the editors people use on Linux are more likely to
handle crlf, or at least display it reasonably.  gedit, which is about
the closest approximation to notepad, can display a crlf file but
mixes up the endings if you edit and save it.

So how about if we make the documentation files always crlf format?


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