[MERGE][0.17] sanitize developers docs
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Mon Jun 4 13:01:08 BST 2007
Hash: SHA1
Aaron Bentley пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> -- locality of reference: If an operation requires data that is located
> +
> +- locality of reference:
> +
> + If an operation requires data that is located
> within a small region at any point, we often get better performance
> than with an implementation of the same operation that requires the
> same amount of data but with a lower locality of reference. Its
> ^^^^^^^ I'm not sure this is a correct edit.
You want to have this in one block? No problem. In this case it should be:
- - locality of reference: If an operation requires data that is located
within a small region at any point, we often get better performance
than with an implementation of the same operation that requires the
same amount of data but with a lower locality of reference. Its
fairly tricky to add locality of reference after the fact, so I think
its worth considering up front.
Is this OK for you?
> === renamed file doc/developers/revert.txt // doc/developers/revert.rst
> ^^^^^^^ We should probably decide what extension to us for our rst
> files, but at present either .txt or .rst is being used.
If files is included to another document, I'd prefer to use .rst,
because otherwise it also automatically converted to html,
but such html is not used (there is no link to such html).
> === modified file doc/developers/bundle-creation.rst
> --- doc/developers/bundle-creation.rst
> +++ doc/developers/bundle-creation.rst
> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
> Bundle Creation
> -===============
> +---------------
> ^^^^^^^^^^ we probably also need to standardize our heading order, since
> ReST doesn't. But I find it counterintuitive for "===" to be less
> significant than "---".
Because currently there is a mix between different styles in included rst files,
I used majority of cases to re-indent other files. (I'm agree with you about
=== should be greater than ---, but I follow Robert initial implementation).
Also I've adding this comment to main file (performance-roadmap.txt):
.. Please, use ``.rst`` extension for included files
.. Mark sections in included files as following:
.. level 1 --------
.. level 2 ========
.. level 3 ++++++++
.. level 4 ^^^^^^^^
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