bzr rm on added file/dir works not very good

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed May 30 17:09:45 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Matthew D. Fuller ?8H5B:
>> I don't think it's win32-specific. But, may be I'm wrong.
>> If it indeed win32-specific then I need to file a bug.
> No, I get it too:
> $ bzr init a
> $ cd a
> $ bzr mkdir b
> added b
> $ bzr rm b
> bzr: ERROR: Can't remove changed or unknown files:
> added:
>   b/
> Use --keep to not delete them, or --force to delete them regardless.
> Matthew, do you have "rm" aliased to "rm --keep" or "rm --force"?
> Aaron

I see it as well, but I'm not sure if it is a bug or a feature.
Specifically, what are you asking to do with "bzr rm"? Are you asking it
to just unversion the directory (bzr rm --keep) or are you asking it to
remove the directory that you accidentally created/added (bzr rm --force).

Said in another way, did you add an important directory that you don't
want versioned (bzr rm --keep), or did you think you wanted to add a new
directory but find out you really didn't want it (bzr rm --force).

The only case I've come across where there seems to be an obvious answer
but we require prompting is:

bzr mv b/foo bar
bzr rm b

In that case, the only thing I've done is move things *out* of b/ and
then I want to get rid of b. There is no chance of accidental data loss,
so I shouldn't have to supply --force.


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