How usable is Bazaar on Windows?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Wed May 30 16:52:09 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Dennis Benzinger пишет:
> I have a few questions about how usable Bazaar is on Windows:

It's hard question to answer without context.
What you need exactly?

> - What problems are caused by a case insensitive filesystem like FAT?

1) You cannot checkout tree created on Linux that has files differ in case.
I never try it, but I'm sure such attempt fails horribly.

2) If you or some 3rd party program change case of filename, bzr will
think that original file is missing and new filename mark as unknown.

3) You cannot directly rename file to name that differs only in case.
But you can rename it manually and then run 'bzr mv --after'. And this trick works.

You can read my Specification Draft:
for other ideas.

> - Does using NTFS help?

Nope. NTFS is also case-insensitive filesystem (CIF).

> - Can I avoid these problems by avoiding filenames which differ only in
>   their case?

Yes, of course. Why not?

> - What other problems do I have to be aware of?

1) On win98 dirstate is not working at all.
2) line endings :-/
3) If you want to checkout tree with symlinks you need my plugin win32symlinks.
But bzr don't support NTFS-native (sym)links to directories.
4) If you want to control x-bit in the tree you need my plugin x_bit

One more note: Windows by default don't have some useful uitlities,
like less, patch, diff etc. You can find ported versions at

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