[MERGE] more common-ancestor performance improvements.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue May 29 23:43:14 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-05-27 at 12:58 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Aaron Bentley wrote:
> > This patch both improves the speed of merge-base selection, and improves
> > its behavior with criss-cross merges.
> This patch builds on my previous patch.  It changes the
> Graph.minimal_common method to avoid traversing the whole graph.

This is an interim review; I'm still looking at this and the previous
patch in detail to get a solid understanding. I just had a few immediate
thoughts I figured I would share immediately.

> Instead, it scales with:
> 1. the number of uncommon ancestors
> 2. the lengths of the shortest paths between border common ancestors
> This improves performance somewhat on a local machine, and should have
> more dramatic benefits for remote operations, when retrieving a complete
> graph can be slow, or when the ancestry is very large.

This sounds great. I think we should start a index mapping terms we use
- e.g. border common ancestor - to their definition (which might be on
wikipedia, or inside the code base). We don't always use the formal
definition of a term, or there can be multiple definitions and we should
make it clear which one we have chosen.

In the patch itself..

+    def _find_candidate_mca(self, revisions):
+        walkers = [_AncestryWalker(r, self) for r in revisions]

I think that functions like this really benefit from a docstring which
provides a simple overview of the function.

e.g. - and I dont know if this is right - 
"""Find all distinct common ancestors between revisions.

This implementation performs a breadth first search from each revision
in parallel. It aggressively cuts search paths when no revision on that
path can be distinct - when all searches are able to reach it. In
general this will search history to the depth of the number of linear
unmerged revisions.

Something like that would make it a lot easier for folk looking at the
code - both for review and for eventual usage.

+        self._lines = None

I'm guessing this variable name is cribbed from somewhere else - its
very opaque. What is a line in this context? Perhaps '_revisions' ?

I'm not voting on this just yet, as I'm still getting my head around it.


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