0.17 release schedule

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Wed May 23 00:33:50 BST 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that it settled out that Ian Clatworthy will be the 
> 0.17 release manager. So he is the one who gets to set the final 
> timeline for 0.17.
> I know he was very keen on seeing continuous 4-week releases. I don't 
> know how he will factor in 1-week of minimal changes (because of the 
> sprint). I think he is back online sometime on Tuesday, AU time. So we 
> can hear from him then.
> John
> =:->
Back online Tuesday was the plan but my return trip was less fun than 
expected at around 54 hours door to door. :-( London was great but I 
can't say the same for Heathrow or British Airways. We got as far as 
Berlin on the first attempt on the London-to-Singapore leg before 
turning around and heading back to Heathrow. That was the good bit 
compared to the 5.5 hours of standing in queues to take off for the 2nd 
time. Travelling would be so much fun if one could simply take out the 
getting there and back bit. :-)

I'm mostly awake today and will be putting together a 0.17 Release Plan 
proposal real soon now. If anyone has any input, feel free to speak up.

Ian C.

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