cygwin bzr

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu May 17 15:07:18 BST 2007

On 5/17/07, Wichmann, Mats D <mats.d.wichmann at> wrote:
> This is not a really high-priority question, but
> does anybody know the state/plans of the cygwin
> bzr package?  It seems to be stuck on 0.8.2, and
> for me it doesn't work, because cygwin has updated
> to Python 2.5 but the bzr package is still dropping
> all the library code in /usr/lib/python-2.4 ...
> Not that I've ever actually used cygwin-bzr, but
> I was about to, and it went thud...

Wow, that's pretty old.  I believe Robert is or was a Cygwin
committer, maybe he can update it or get someone set up to do so.


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