Release Manager for 0.17

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Thu May 10 12:40:03 BST 2007

Martin Pool wrote:
> Now that 0.16 is out we should choose a manager for the next release.
> I'll be on holiday for two weeks after the sprint so I'm not a good
> choice.
> I was wondering if ianc would like to do it -- he's new to Bazaar but
> has lots of experience managing releases of larger projects, and I
> think would bring an interesting perspective.  I would hope John and
> everyone else could give him some tips on our practices so far and the
> technicalities.  Or if anyone else is interested for 0.17 or the next
> one, do speak up.
My initial reaction is that I'll do my best if no-one else volunteers. 
But my preference would be for someone more experienced with Bazaar to 
be the RM for 0.17 and for me to take on 0.18. Rather than decide 
immediately, I'd like to suggest we discuss this early next week while 
many of us are together in London.
> Since we did 0.16final at the start of this week we would normally
> have 0.17 in early June, but the exact dates are for the RM to choose
> with the team.
I feel pretty strongly about the importance of a constant, dependable 
rhythm. Shipping something every 4 weeks feels the right frequency to me 
given where we're at (pre 1.0). Great progress is being achieved on many 
fronts even in that time-frame. (The release notes (NEWS) for 0.16 
stretched to 5 pages and included 65 improvements/bug-fixes in rc1 
alone.) It's exciting to think about where Bazaar will be in 2-3 months 
if the performance emails from Robert, Aaron, John and others are any 
guide, let alone the wealth of changes being generated by active users 
every week!

Ian C.

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