[RFC/MERGE] disabling kind markers for 'bzr status'

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Tue May 8 10:48:20 BST 2007

On 5/7/07, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> I think that the library changes for this are fine. UI wise, I think
> James is looking for a scripting UI and we shouldn't muddy the user UI
> too much.
> perhaps a ls --changed option?

The library cleanups also sound ok to me, and I agree that this kind
of thing should not be switched by isatty, it would be confusing for
users to debug.

ls can be a more scripting-oriented command, so i agree with Robert
that he might be best with a ls --changed option.  I guess we'd want
one option that lists files with text modifications and another that
lists files with any kind of change.

(otoh maybe it's a bit redundant that we'd have two commands that both
do this summary-of-changes operation.)

Actually in his specific case, since it's harmless to commit
unmodified files, a simple 'bzr ls' would do.


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