[MERGE][bug #48623]

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed May 2 02:53:52 BST 2007

Martin Pool has voted +0.
Status is now: Waiting
I reviewed an updated version on irc, which included tests, and gave 
some feedback:

<poolie> vezult: normally rather than runbzr('init') you'd do 
<vezult> poolie: what is difference between the two? one calls bzr, and 
the other uses bzrlib?
<poolie> that's right
  it's a little cleaner and faster
  not a big deal in this case but generally we want to use the api not 
the command line for everything in the tests except actually testing the 
command line
  vezult: i would think line 18ff should be outside the finally block?
  we shouldn't run them if there's an error
  otherwise +1
  also i'd be inclined to have this only happen with 'ignore -v'
  maybe not

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