push and branch . bzr+ssh do not use Repository.tarball

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Wed May 2 02:46:03 BST 2007

On 5/2/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Now that we have Repository.tarball, I figured I would test out doing a
> "bzr push" to see if it would be used.
> But it seems that neither 'bzr push' nor 'bzr branch .
> bzr+ssh://localhost' will use it.
> My guess is that Repository.tarball() only happens if the *source* is a
> Smart object, not if the target is.
> Which seems a bit of a shame, because it would be a good way to get our
> "initial push" time down when pushing over a slow network.
> Thoughts?

Yes, at the moment that method is only for server->client transfers,
not the opposite.  We could add a method that does the opposite.

This is still a bit limited that it does not help with transfers to an
existing repository, even if it's empty.  We need to do something
better for incremental transfers.  I think Robert was going to post
about that.


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