listdir cannot allocate memory

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Apr 26 11:50:06 BST 2007

On 4/26/07, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> It's reproducible in this branch for me...

Strangely enough I could reproduce it just two more times.  I tried
putting a set_trace into the enclosing except OSError block to look at
what was happening, and I couldn't reproduce it.  After I removed that
it still did not recur.

There were 3176 files in the top level directory left behind when it
failed, and 105658 files in total.  (That's quite a lot, maybe we
should update and merge andrew's cleanup-as-you-go patch?)  So about
33 files or directories for each test that makes a test directory.

What could be happening here?

 - something broken in the kernel or libc
 - something broken in python
 - we're really close to being out of memory
 - we're running out of file descriptors or some similar resource


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