[merge] doc how to use new test features

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Thu Apr 26 05:53:40 BST 2007

Since someone suggested I should use features for my plugins test fix,
I thought I'd document how to use it.

I think this kind of "how do I?" or "where do I start" is good to have
in the hacking file/developer's guide.  It doesn't need to describe
every detail, people can look at the classes for that.

=== modified file 'HACKING'
--- HACKING	2007-04-24 14:19:24 +0000
+++ HACKING	2007-04-26 04:50:34 +0000
@@ -434,6 +434,50 @@
   __ http://docs.python.org/lib/module-doctest.html

+Skipping tests and test requirements
+In our enhancements to unittest we allow for some addition results beyond
+just success or failure.
+If a test can't be run, it can say that it's skipped.  This is typically
+used in parameterized tests - for example if a transport doesn't support
+setting permissions, we'll skip the tests that relating to that.  Skipped
+tests are appropriate when there's just no possibility that the test will
+ever run in this situation, and nothing either developers or users can do
+about it.  ::
+    try:
+        return self.branch_format.initialize(repo.bzrdir)
+    except errors.UninitializableFormat:
+        raise tests.TestSkipped('Uninitializable branch format')
+A subtly different case is a test that should run, but can't run in the
+current environment.  This covers tests that can only run in particular
+operating systems or locales, or that depend on external libraries.  Here
+we want to inform the user that they didn't get full test coverage, but
+they possibly could if they installed more libraries.  These are expressed
+as a dependency on a feature so we can summarise them, and so that the
+test for the feature is done only once.  (For historical reasons, as of
+May 2007 many cases that should depend on features currently raise
+TestSkipped.)  The typical use is::
+    class TestStrace(TestCaseWithTransport):
+        _test_needs_features = [StraceFeature]
+which means all tests in this class need the feature.  The feature itself
+should provide a ``_probe`` method which is called once to determine if
+it's available.
+Known failures are when a test exists but we know it currently doesn't
+work, allowing the test suite to still pass.  These should be used with
+care, we don't want a proliferation of quietly broken tests.  It might be
+appropriate to use them if you've committed a test for a bug but not the
+fix for it, or if something works on Unix but not on Windows.
 Running tests
 Currently, bzr selftest is used to invoke tests.


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