Order of merges and the appearance of the revision history

Joseph Wakeling joseph.wakeling at webdrake.net
Wed Apr 25 13:58:44 BST 2007

Erik Bågfors wrote:
> I really don't understand what you mean by this.  I ran your script
> and checked the two branches b2a and b2b.  Are you expecting them to
> be able to pull from eachother?

It's not that I'm _expecting_ them to, it's more curiosity about why the
system works as it does.  You and (contra to what he seems to think:-)
Nick both explained it very nicely---that the social history, as well as
the code history, is important.

As for the bzr pull command itself, I _do_ think there's something for
the approach git takes, that pull will automatically merge if it's
necessary.  But again I guess there are benefits to both strategies.

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