Doubts w.r.t. development models using Bazaar

Marius Kruger amanic at
Mon Apr 23 10:50:13 BST 2007


some notes from my experience

On 4/23/07, Rohit Rai <rohitbrai at> wrote:

> How does Bazaar compare to SVN or the commercial SCMs like Perforce,
> Clearcase on this one? Means how weak/stromng it is in their comparison
> while dealing with non plaintext data. Specially, XML.

IMHO bzr is handling it pretty well, theres possibly two main problems with
non-plaintext files:
1) the diffs doesn't mean much, (eg. with doc files you have to use the old
or the new version),
    but with xml you have some sort of a chance to fix conflicts.
2) we don't handle very big files that well yet (eg. 1GB files)

Will the record log that developer XYZ had made the particular change be
> maintained when the PQM commits the paatch to the main repository, or
> everything on the main repository will show up as a commit/development done
> by the PQM. That is important with statistical point of view in a software
> company.At one location I have seen similar flow using SVN, but finally in
> the log we notice that all the commits are made by PQM, and the name of the
> original developer are lost.

Bazaar handles this beautifully!!
because we use bundles (AKA MergeDirective) to submit patches,
which contains all of the meta-information of a
diff, rather than just containing the patch information.

There is unfortunately not as much documentation about this on the wiki as I
would have hoped for.
also see 'bzr help bundle' and 'bzr help merge'

>    1. First problem is the commit time of the patch may be prolonged at
>    reviewer of gateway post
>    2. Will all the histroy of modifications by the developer and his
>    log comments be maintained?
>    3. There are a few interesting use cases when, Developer writes a
>    patch and sends it to the reviewer and coninues writing his next patch. What
>    code base should he write this patch against. The global base or his
>    modified base?
>       1. Suppose he writes it against the global code base, in the
>       meanwhile, the reviewer and gatekeeper  approve the patch1 and it makes to
>       the global repos. Does the next patch that the developer sends apply to the
>       global repos when it is sent?
>       2. Suppose he works against his local copy and generates
>       patch2, in the meanwhile his patch1 is rejected and returned to him, he has
>       to revert that patch and keep patch2, how does that work? Does the patch2
>       apply to the global codebase when approved?
>       3. How important is the sequence of patches?
because of bundles, these aren't a problem


I don't trust a Revision Control System with less than 6400 unit tests.
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